L’tiferet l’Adonai Tzva’ot לתפארת ליהוה צבאות
Kehillat ha’Derech is a Messianic Kehillah for the Sydney region at a centralized location.
Encompassing the Netzarim sect of Judaism that accepted Yeshua ha’Notsri as Mashiach ben-Yosef, whilst upholding the Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu in normal Jewish custom. We aim to bring a (re-)newed view of the Bible & Yeshua ha’Mashiach from the original & authentic Jewish direction back into the lives of our members.
Kehillat ha’derech l’moshieinu / הדרך למושיענו began shacharit service starting JAN-2017 with Parashat haShavuah – Shemot.
An authentic Jewish service inclusive of Yeshua ha’Mashiach is undertaken by your hosts from 11:30hr each Shabbat. A little later than traditional Tefilah-shacharit in an orthodox Beit Knesset giving people time to travel.
Shabbat Schedule
Tefilat shacharit / תּפֿלות שַחֲרִת Standard Jewish based service, Hebrew / English combination
Devrei Torah / דִבְרֵי-תורָה Parashat haTorah – hafTorah – Brit Chadashah – midrashing on Yeshua & more
Kiddush / קִדוּשׁ Covenantal service (Bread & Wine)
Oneg Shabbat / עונג שבת Meal & discussion of Torah portion with Yeshua, Moshe etc from the original Jewish “Netzarim” way
This is the the way of Mashiach. The two witnesses required for truth.
1. Moshe / Horizontal / our walk among’st His people
2. Yeshua / Vertical / our re-connection to the Father
Most importantly, a growing family where all are honoured as “Children of Avraham” exactly as Yeshua re-taught in LUKE-13
באהבה ישוע המשיח
b’Ahavah Yeshua ha’Mashiach
In love of Yeshua the Messiah
Eved Ivrit עבד עברית
Our Kehillah/הקהילה שלנו
ללמד את הדרך האמיתית של מושיענו על ידי הקמת מרכז לימוד
.נצרים והפעלתו
לשתול את כרם הלמידה ולגדל את פרותיו על פי דרכיו של מושיענו
המטרה שלנו היא להביא את הדרך של מושיענו כפי שהוא לימד
.באמצעות התורה של משה בהקשר המקורי
לטפח את ״ ישיבת הדרך ״ באמצעות הליכה , דיבור והוראת התורה
.צעד אחד בכל פעם
לתת לכל הקהל מעבר לדברים חומריים , אשר ילוו אותם אל מלכות שמים
To teach the genuine way of our Savior by establishing & running a Netzarim learning centre.
To plant the vineyard of learning & grow His fruit according to the way to our Saviour
Our goal is to bring the way of our Saviour as He taught through the Torah of Moshe in its original context.
To nurture haDerech Yeshiva through walking, talking & teaching His Torah one step at a time.
Giving all comers riches beyond material gain that can be taken into the Kingdom.
Get Connected
HaDerech is part of the Messianic movement of “last-days” missions to help the “Lost sheep of the house of Israel” return to their roots in preparation for the return of Messiah within our lifetime. Giving haShem all the glory He deserves.
Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion – it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.